Check out Audrey's blog to hear about these experiences through her eyes!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Greetings from Yokadouma!

Friends! We're in Yokadouma safe and sound! God provided us a safe journey  and opportunity to meet some really great people. Thank you so much for your prayers! We stopped along the way (three times) to visit past colleges from Yokadouma and learn about their lives. We were able to see a church at its finishing stages of construction (this mans desire for God to reach the Abongmbong town was so evident!) and to see a cocoa/plantain/all other kinds of plants plantation. We met with a pastor who oversaw about 18 churches in the Bertoua region and hear what God was doing there.   What an encouraging trip! (and we got to drive through hours of Gods beautiful creation in South Eastern Cameroon! How diverse and interesting!)  When we got here, we were greeted by stories from the COCELMPU members of the work that had happened while David and Henny were away. People who were literate in French needed little to no instruction to begin to read in Mpumpong! What a testimony to God's goodness and the simple and useful design of the alphabet!  Its been so interesting and encouraging meeting the memebers of COCELMPU  and hearing their stories – the translators are eager to begin the translation now that they have finished the translation courses and David is back to help them get started!  How exciting it is to see their excitement and eagerness to do this work! Keep the project in your prayers as they soon begin!  I want to thank you specifically for your prayers for my French! You have no idea how encouraging it is to know that people are praying for that specific area of my life. I've found it really discouraging – I want so much to communicate well with these people and develop relationships with them, but the language continues to be this barrier. Everyone is so encouraging and forgiving of my French mistakes, saying I'll learn soon, but it continues to be a struggle of mine. I've learned so much already, but sometimes it is hard to see that and is so much easier to focus on what I can't communicate. Pray for both my learning, and my mindset!  This week I'm learning more about the computer programs I will be helping them with, and next week I will hopefully begin both teaching them, and learning from them! Pray for understanding, and God to be glorified. The second one being key, the first one being kind of nice!  Because our God is good (And can speak French and Mpumpong too!) 

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