Check out Audrey's blog to hear about these experiences through her eyes!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Audrey is Healthy!

And no one else is sick either!
Praise the Lord!!!
(This is actually really really exciting - soooo glad that we're not a house full of sickness!)

We cleaned (washed windows, swept, and mopped the floor) today! I'm tired! Then we made really yummy leek and potato soup!
Thats life. :)
It's pretty hot.
A gecko fell on my head today as I walked in the door.
And I screamed (a little bit) and Audrey and David laughed at me.
Then a gecko was hiding out in Audrey's window this evening too!

I'll write more about life and gecko's later!
God's creation is so wonderful!

Friday, January 28, 2011

January 21 - Letter Update from the Thormosets

This is a letter we emailed out to David and Henny's supporters last week!
PS. Audrey is sick and David's starting to feel not so well. Keep them and their health in your prayers! Also, pray for Henny as she's busy with the Leadership Matters Course this week and needs to stay healthy! And I would like to avoid getting sick too, but we'll just wait and see!

Hello! You don't know Audrey and me, and we don't know you either, but we both know David and Henny.
Life here in Cameroon is so exciting and busy; these past few days since our arrival on the 11th have been very full! David and Henny, Audrey and I are in Yaoundé at the SIL Cameroon Training Center, where David is just finishing teaching and assisting with a two-week course on Bible translation principles to 23 Cameroonians who are eager to have God's Word in their mother tongue. It's so exciting – but has been a lot of work for David and the other people leading the course, with teaching, marking and such.

Within hours of our arriving in Yaoundé, David's love of linguistics was evident to both Audrey and me. Linguistics is mentioned frequently (and fondly) in conversation. Yesterday in the car, he instructed me on how to shape my mouth to make the right sound for a word, and today he was showing Audrey and me the difference between aspirated and unaspirated p's and b's by getting us to hold a tissue paper in front of our mouths. “I perceive a pig” was the phrase to say. (Try it! Hold a piece of Kleenex in front of your mouth and watch how 'puffing' on the p's will make it move). Mpumpong has some words that are the same except for the aspiration. This is why it is so important to know the difference, though it is difficult to hear in conversation for those who aren't used to listening for it.

This afternoon Henny showed Audrey and me their electronic dictionary (complete with sound recordings) for Mpumpong words, including French and English equivalents. It's exciting that we'll get to learn some Mpumpong when we head out to Yokadouma in the middle of February.

Henny's been busy with Executive Committee meetings and planning for a Leadership Matters Course that she is assisting with the next two weeks.

As for Audrey and me, we're doing well. The adjustment has taken a bit of time, but David and Henny are very understanding, supportive, loving and wonderful. They have been a huge blessing to us in our time here already, and we're so excited for the rest of the time we have with them.

Audrey is from Quebec and is attending Briercrest College & Seminary in Saskatchewan in Global Studies. She's interested in linguistics and Bible translation and is looking for opportunities to serve here in Cameroon and to see what God may have planned for her future. Her French skills and outgoing personality are a huge asset here! I (Andrea) am from the Annapolis Valley in Nova Scotia, and I am attending the University of Waterloo in Ontario. I'm studying math, education, and international development. I'm really excited to spend this time in Cameroon learning the different ways people serve in missions and figuring out where God wants me in that.

Prayer topics:

*Audrey and I adjusting

*Translators finishing their course and beginning translation

*David, Audrey, and I as we travel 6 hours this weekend to a wedding

*Henny's role in the Leadership Matters Course

Thank you for your prayers!


(And David and Henny and Audrey!)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My God is so BIG, so strong, and so mighty... there's nothing my God can not do!

What creativity God has displayed while crafting the country of Cameroon! On Friday we drove 6 hours to the North West Region to attend a wedding (A missionary to a Cameroonian doctor - What an incredible demonstration of God's plans being accomplished)

Thank you for prayers for safe travel - God kept us safe. My stomach hasn't been upset for a while, and Audrey is getting better (she was getting a bit sick) - Praise the Lord! Culture adjustments are a lot less stressful (I'm finding) when you're not worried about your stomach getting mad at you. God is teaching me, encouraging me, and drawing me to himself - Thank you for support!

While in the North West Region, David took Audrey and I up to Lake Awing, which is up in the hills. As we drove along we were able to see the hard efforts of many farmers who farmed on the sides of the hills in the very fertile Cameroonian land! The lake was beautiful! Round and clear and fresh! We climbed a path up a nearby hill (a very large hill!) and sat and ate oranges with the wind blowing in our faces. What an incredible site to see the village of Awing beneath us, and paths over the side of the mountain where herdsmen took their animals, and where farmers worked. The size and wonder of it all reminded me of the greatness and hugeness of God. He is so much bigger than any small problem I have!

We also had the opportunity also to go to a Presbyterian mission pottery operation which provided work to 40 people. They showed us the operations The same Presbyterian organization runs a hand craft production as well! TenThousand Villages carries some of their stuff! .
On Monday evening we visited with a missionary family in the area with two teenage daughters and a live in teacher (A few years out of university). What an encouraging time it was for both Audrey and I! When we left it felt like we had known them for quite a long time.

I've been so blessed in my time here already to have the opportunities to talk with many people who are quite knowledgeable in their field. From Teaching and math to programming and linguistics I've been able to learn so much already - it is so cool hearing about all the missions opportunities (If you wonder if what you are studying/have studied can be used in missions it probably can! Its incredible hearing stories of how bakeries and haircutting has come into useful on the missions field).

My french skills are improving (With great patience from Audrey and David and Henney) though its still tough. I'm excited about learning Mpumpong soon!

*Audrey continues to get healthier
*Henny is really busy this week with the Leadership Matters course she's teaching in
*Audrey and I continue to be open to serving (both now and in the future) how God calls us!


Thursday, January 20, 2011

A gecko crawled across my window screen this morning...

Its been a little over a week since I arrived in the city of Yaoundé. Adjusting to life here has gone pretty well. Jet lag was minimal and the training course we have been attending has been great to learn about the culture as well as experience it. This past weekend, Audrey and I stayed with a family in their home in the village. It was a great opportunity to build relationships with the family and learn about their day to day life. I learned how to peel/cook/fry plantains, as well as do laundry by hand and draw water from the well. A family friend of theirs, a doctor and his wife, whose children had grown up, opened their home to about 12 young orphans to become part of their family. The children danced and sang songs about Jesus for us. One went like this

“Stop, and let me tell you, what the Lord has done for me!
Stop, and let me tell you, what the Lord has done for me!
He saved my life, and made me whole.
Stop, and let me tell you, what the Lord has done for me!”

Life with David and Henny has been a blessing already; I feel at home with them, and encouraged as we try and figure out where Audrey and I can be of most help in the SIL/Wycliffe community here in Yaounde.

I've spent a lot of time and thought into “How can I be the best/most efficient person I can be in serving God and accomplishing His mission” Thoughts not just in regards to now, but the future. This line came up the other day during our training. “God cares more about this mission than you ever will”. What God wants to come about, He will make happen; I need to learn to rest in that and be open to His plans and desires for me.

The Cameroonians in the translation principles course wrote their final exam yesterday, and the course staff (David included) are busy correcting and finishing off the last 2 days of the course. Pray that these men and women will be properly prepared as they go back to their villages to work on translating the Word of God. Its so cool seeing what God is doing here.

Quick prayer requests
*Cameroonians in translation course
*David, Audrey and I as we drive up to Bamenda for a wedding this weekend
*Audrey and I continually adjusting to Cameroon and Cameroonian culture
*Audrey might be getting a bit sick
*My stomach has a hard time adjusting (mostly because of the anti-malarial medicine) (But its getting better I think!)
*Henny as she is preparing to lead a “Leadership Matters Course” next week
*Audrey and I finding how best to serve the people here

Because God is Good (In Canada, Africa, and everywhere else!)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

In Africa!

Audrey and I made it safely to Africa last night around 9. The Thormosets were at the airport to pick us up, and we were quickly introduced into the SIL/Wycliffe world, starting some more training this morning. The day has been long but good, and we've been blessed (so far) with few effects from the 6 hour time change. Its incredible being in this new environment with so many other believers here following God.

Pray for Audrey and I and the other workers new to SIL Cameroon preparing for their assignments, for learning and strength and encouragmenet. Also, being taught at the training center now is the third (and final) course being taught for preparing people for Bible translation. Pray for their learning and their instructors as they attend/teach these incredibly important classes.

We started the morning with this song:
My God is a good God, yes He is,
My God is a good God, Yes He is.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Training, Check

The last couple of days have been pretty full of tons of information. It has been a wonderful time meeting Audrey (I love her already!) and doing training under a couple different missionaries here. In addition to the formal training, it was really just a blessing to be able to hear their stories and what they've encountered over the years and to also hear stories of God's incredible provisions. So very encouraging. If you know a missionary, you should really just sit down and ask them about God's working in their lives, you'll never know those stories if you don't ask! For that matter - just ask another Christian friend. I'm sure we all have stories we would love to tell!

This evening was Ben's birthday so he came up to Toronto (and is staying at a friend's place so he can see me off tomorrow) and we had dinner and just spent a lot of time talking - What a lovely time it was to just sit and talk with a really special friend and enjoy yummy familier food the last time in the next four months. What a blessing and encouragement it was.

I'm a LITTLE BIT NERVOUS about the whole thing, kind of APPREHENSIVE of how I'll deal with the CULTURE SHOCK, but I truly know and believe that God is good. PRAY FOR ME in this as Audrey and I TRANSITION into this new culture and meet many new people in the next couple of days. Also, we have 2 different connecting FLIGHTS tomorrow, so prayer for lack of complications would be great!

We fly at 1350 out of Toronto and arrive in Yaounde at 2035 their time (1435 Toronto time). Keep us in your prayers! Thank you so much!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Prayer is so powerful...

All the major stuff is done.
I get to re-pack my suitcase, buy a digital voice recorder, hit the bank a final time, say goodbyes (not looking forward to this at all), and then I'm off to training later today.

Yesterday, a number of people stopped in for a quick visit and to pray for me before I left. Last night about 20 people gathered in the chapel to send me off with prayer. I can not tell you how encouraging that was. Knowing that people are praying makes me even more excited to see what incredible things God is doing in Cameroon.
I don't know when next I'll get internet, so I'll keep you posted.
I fly Monday afternoon through till Tuesday night when I arrive in Yaounde - Keep Audrey and I in your prayers in that time!

Thank you for your prayers!

John 21:25
Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.

Our God is so great...

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Its here. On time.
Silly Andrea, why did you doubt?
Its so exciting - I have the visa, the funds needed, my anti-malarial medication, all the stuff that I think I will need to bring... Everything is coming together.
I leave for training tomorrow afternoon, and get on a plane in 4 days.
Things are sinking in more and more... its getting exciting!

Thanks for praying for me in this! Oh, how important our prayers are to God. Oh, how He hears us when we pray expectantly (not saying that praying expectantly guarantees us favorable results, but it is truly believing that, if it is within God's will, He is able to (and will) accomplish all things in His good timing)

Join me in praising God for this!


Support Raised...

When the idea of an internship with Wycliffe and Cameroon came into being in October, I sometimes felt like a crazy person - one who may be setting up for great financial difficulty. I'm a student studying on a student loan, spending $6000 on an internship, and not earning any money on my work term. Really I wasn't sure how it would work aside from God.

I knew at the beginning I wasn't going to have time or energy to organize fundraisers and events - if I was going it was because of God and his prompting of people to give. And he has. There is $6800 in my account.

Malichi 3:10
"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this", says the Lord Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it."

... So true.
Its kind of sad how often we just don't take hold of what God says he will do.
Thank you for stepping out in faith and giving as God has led you.
I can't wait to hear of the blessings that God will pour out on you.

He is Good.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I have memorized the number for the Cameroon Embassy

I have called the Cameroon Embassy more than a few times today...
The whole Visa application process has been a bit complicated, but the woman on the phone (who has had to put up with me calling so many times) said that the visa would be processed today and in the mail. Praise God.
Thank you for prayers! I'll keep you updated as to when I have my passport in my hands once again!

I have over $5000 now, its just a little farther to go!

Training in 3 days, Fly out in 6!
Becuase God is good (Even when His good is different than my good)


Saturday, January 1, 2011

9 Days!

We are down to the single digit countdown. Which is a little bit crazy - Back in October when I started thinking about this it seemed like it would never come. And now, its nearly within the week.

The break from school has been pretty nice to have time to refresh and get things prepped for Cameroon (though I am not by anymeans near ready just yet). I spent some time with my older sister, extended family and boyfriend(Ben). We had some fun times playing games on Christmas day (involving a very hilarious Dance Dance Revolution competition which Ben won...). We then travelled up to visit Ben's extended family in Quebec. They were really nice, and they speak English and French and Swiss German, so it was a good opportunity to practice my listening French skills (I wasn't brave enough to try speaking Fench). Then we drove down to Ottawa where I got to visit 2 really good friends from High School. It was such a blessing and encouragement to be able to spend time with them again.

I've been doing a lot of communicating with Henny and David about plans for Cameroon, and also other people within Wycliffe regarding health insurance and money stuff and other things.
A number of weeks ago I recieved an in country budget estimate which was about 3000 for 4 months. The most recent budget I received really scared me, as the total was 5000 (which I was not expecting). Turns out, it was written for a 6 months stay, as opposed to only 4. (thank you GOD!!!)

God has currently provided 4695 of the 6300 that I need. 2/3 there, and God continues to provide. He has encouraged and supported me so many times through this!
Something especially encouraging has been looking at the story of the birth of Jesus - something so precisely orchestrated by God. Though it is by no means an easy and tcarefree time for Mary or Joseph. But throughout the story God provides encouragement and gives direction to them as they need it. They are following God, but now they are stuck having a baby in a stable - and then God brings the shepheards with stories of angelic hosts. Reflecting on this has encouraged me so many times this season!

Thank you for your prayers and support - they've been felt and I am so grateful for each of you :)

Thank you, and may this new year bring encouragement and great growth in the Lord.
Becuase He was good, and is good, and will forever be good
