Check out Audrey's blog to hear about these experiences through her eyes!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Adventure Continues

My friends,  
Thank you for being on this journey with me. Thank you for caring about life here and how God is working among the Mpumpong in Yokadouma. Thank you for being among the people who sent me and are supporting me day by day.  
The translators returned this last week from their time in the villages, they came back with stories and much feedback – on the flow of the language and on their translation. People who were interested in only the language development came and listened to the scriptures, when they would not normally step foot in a church! God's word is being shared and heard. Praise the Lord!  
As part of developing the interchurch committee Henny and David attend a different church every week. On Saturday we went to the 7th Day Adventist church, where one of the translators is the pastor. I wasn't really sure what to expect as I don't agree with everything they believe. We were welcomed with open arms, by people who loved Jesus and the same God that I do, we worshiped God with them, and learned with them. I was encouraged, and strengthened in that. I realized the HUGE importance in building inter-denomonational relationships even back home. We all serve the same God and can accomplish so much more if we focus on God and how we can serve and grow together instead of putting each other down.
When David and Henny first arrived here 5 years ago, most pastors didn't know each other and were often convinced that the beliefs of the other denominations were very wrong. As the inter-church committee developed, pastors came together with the common goal of translating the Bible, believed by all the churches to be the Word of God. They are now focusing on the similarities of their beliefs  and their desire to bring people to know God. They are studying the Bible and praying for their country together and developing relationships.  
Not all churches have caught the vision, nor have they all embraced their similarities. There are still some on the outskirts, spoken badly about by others. Pray for unity among the pastors, pray for courage for them to begin loving the other churches and encouraging the people of their church to  reach out in love as well.  Pray for wisdom, and for encouragement and peace. Pray for God's will. God has plans for Yokadouma even more beautiful than we think.
Pray For... 
*churches and unity 
*God to provide a location for Audrey to live when Henny (1 month) and I return to Canada 
*Pray for efficiency, but an attitude of sitting and learning from God this week as I have lots to do and accomplish, but I desire so much to spend more time growing and learning from God. I have to write a paper, plan and work on a promotional video with Audrey, and get in as much computer-learning time as possible!) 
*Henny as she finishes writing a short course on financial management principles, and presents it at one of the churches on Saturday. Pray for clarity and understanding, for her French, and for the people coming. 
*David as he needs to turn his focus towards more linguistic analysis, and things seem to always pop up! 
*My French, as it is improving (I understood most of the message on Saturday in French) but will need improvement until even after I come home! 
*Wisdom for me in preparing for next term, and not taking on too many activities or commitments as I tend to want to jump at every opportunity.  
Ps. We went to the village on Friday, and went out to the fields with a friend. An amazing trip for so many reasons! Trees with above ground root systems that were 2-3 meters in diameter, and women carrying heavy loads on their back by a strap across their forehead for a 20 minute hike in the forest. Incredible women!  
The forest made me think of this song. And the hugeness of what it is saying.  
Who is the King of the Jungle? Who is the King of the Sea? Who is the King of the Universe? And who is the King of me? His name is J-E-S-U-S! Yes! He is the King of Me! He is the King of the universe, the Jungle and the Sea!  
Because our God is big. And good. 

1 comment:

  1. Andrea! Thank you so much for these updates. I love reading about what you're doing and the things you're learning! I'm thinking of you and looking forward to next term : )
